September -2016
[2016-09-09 - Karu]
Asgard - September 2016, Biedrusko, Poland. A mythical land so beautiful, that even gods lived in it. A land that has found its counterpart on earth. Many struggled to conquer it. Some used force, others used politics... This was a first for us! Asgard is a new and promising international airsoft game with good balance between mil-sim and action. Held on real military training grounds with vehicles to match. The varying terrain and many buildings helped to create good ambience. Very intense both day and night. Keep an eye on this game, as we can see it evolving thanks to very experienced and skilled game masters. We look forward to attending in 2017.
June -2012
[2012-08-12 - Taksi]
Berget 10 - June 2012, Härnösand, Sweden. Once again RRP was at Berget to enjoy massive clashes with long walks under the
midninght sun. Co-operation with AKS running Poldavian 15:th Sappers went smoothly, everyone in and
under command were happy enjoying this mighty airsoft event in northern Sweden.
As the sapper units were a trial role for the first time, we can say it was hilarious blowing
up buildings and roads denying enemy access, shelter and supplies. Although the
weather wasn't at its best, we got to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Poldavian 15:th Sappers you are heroes!
May -2012
[2012-05-28 - Karu]
Combat Alert - May 2012, Zegrze, Poland. Combat Alert in Poland has quickly became a must for RRP.
A good mixture of mil-sim and action throughout the game, with good organisation and skilled players makes Combat Alert a game to look forward to. 36h of non-stop gaming on military training grounds with varying terrain and miscalleneous
obstacles and buildings gave a good atmosphere. Smoke and pyro by the numbers gave a spectacular ambience, both day and night. We got our moneys' worth and will definetly return in 2013. Check out the Combat Alert 2012 videos on youtube.
Combat Alert
July -2011
[2011-07-12 - Taksi]
9 - July 2011, Härnösand, Sweden. Yet another Berget game under the belt!
The now classic Berget improving and growing stronger every year, presented itself as a sure bet. Players gathering from
around the world clashing in the forests of the land of the midninght
sun. This time RRP was tasked with streamlining the Poldavian HQ,
and as consequence met less action than usually at the front lines, but
nevertheless had a briliant game and plenty of fun.
May -2011
[2011-05-31- Karu]
Combat Alert - May 2011, Chrcynno, near Warsaw, Poland.
A compact full-service 24h action game. 500 players from around Poland
and neighboring countries got together and divided
into the "Regular army" and "insurgents" to fight day and night in the
countryside. Efficient organisation and awesome players made this game
one of the year's higlights.
Thanks to organizers, Adam, Skariot and everyone else that participated
and made this game happen.
Combat Alert
August -2010
[2010-09-19 - Karu]
RRP drove through four countries in one day in order to participate in
a game held in Slovenia, Rjavi Ris 7. The gaming area, situated in the
mountains, was truly awesome and suited the storyline extremely well.
Regards to Spof and the Crazy Swedes for joining forces with us. Also,
thanks to organizers for making all this happen, as the logistics
and game planning exceeded our expectations. Rjavi Ris 7 was probably
the best game for us during this season.
Rjavi Ris 7
August -2010
[2010-08-19 - Karu]

years SoftErna was held at an abandoned post-Soviet airfield. A heavy
storm devastated parts of the gaming forest just days before, adding
even more realism to the event. As a year before, RRP took part as a
mechanized OPFOR unit. Big thanks to the organizers and all competing
June -2010
[2010-06-26 - Karu]
As prescribed by tradition already, RRP could not miss a Berget Event.
During this years game we participated as a part of the mechanized
quick response force in the Poldavian 3:rd mountaineers. The momentum
was high throughout the game and we had loads of fun. We would like to
give special credits to the Berget crew, as Berget 8 will be remembered
by us as the best Berget so far, and with that in mind we are looking
forward to the next years event.
Berget Events
May -2010
[2010-05-17 - Karu]
opened this years gaming season with participating in Operation Tango
Latitude held in Laxå, Sweden. The vast area of the game suited well
our mechanized units. Special thanks goes to TAC Team for good
co-operation, we count on seeing you in the future events.
Good game, great people, lots of fun!
Tango Latitude
February -2010
[2010-02-28 - Karu]
Annual RRP:s wintercamp this year
was focused on testing new equipment for the upcoming events.
September -09
[2009-09-05 - Karu]

2009 was held 28-30 August at the Piirsalu Missile Base in Estonia. RRP
participated as a mechanized OPFOR unit, this allowed the team to move
around quickly, in order to cover a larger area than possible otherwise
(or we just became lazy;). Many thanks to all players and especially to
SE staff for a well organized event. We had great fun and the gaming
area was just awesome!
June -09
[2009-07-26 -
The team went once again to one of the worlds largest airsoft games.
The game "Berget 7 - Three Kings" was held in June 2009 near Härnosand
in Sweden. Great fun and best regards to everyone that was there!
May -09
[2009-05-17 - Karu]
Photoalbum updated with pictures from the "Border War" MILSIM event
that was held near Prague in Czech Rebublic. RRP members participated
as mercenaries within the feared Winter Wolf Mining Company (W.W.M.C.).
The Border War
January -09
[2009-01-29 - Karu]
RRP is mentioned in the prominent airsoft magazine Airsoft Soldier -
issue #2. Thanks to the author Arto Koivunen for the essential team
Great airsoft
magazine, go and buy it!
September -08
[2008-09-29 - Taksi]
Some members traveled once again to Härnosand for the OPCR3 event that
was held in september 2008, a two day airsoft game with 24 h day and

April -07
[2007-04-28 - Ayatolla]
training day was held in april 2007 in order to test some new
equipment. After the regular training was conducted, the day was
finished with a few crates of Karhu. Few pictures are also available in
the gallery section now.

July -06
[2006-07-29 - Ayatolla]
team participated in PFOR5,
which is an airsoft milsim event held every second year not far from
Helsinki. The game fullfilled the teams expectations for most parts and
is a nice example of how this type of event should be like. We can
recommend this event for anyone serious about airsoft and milsim. Great thanks to the
organisers and everyone else who was there! Pictures will soon be added
to the gallery section.

February -06
[2006-02-28 -
The RRP Winter Camp 2006 was held last weekend, the team spent a
weekend with gaming, training and enjoying deep snow and the fantastic
scenery in northern Sweden. Below is a short video clip edited by team
member Hurja (right click and save as)
September -05
[2005-09-07 - Ayatolla]
RRP Our video from the Berget 4 game is now available. All credits to
team member Hurja for doing a great job.
This video was made for entertainment purposes only. The findings and
opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of
the entire RRP airsoft team. The video clip is a work of fiction and
any similarity between any actual persons, events or institutions is
purely coincidental. Alcohol may intensify effect, if redness persists,
consult a physician. If something offends you, lighten up, get a life,
and move on.

May -05
[2005-05-16 -
Finaly! 10 months after our last journey to Finland we can prodly
present the latest filmclip! TT-04! We've also made a DVD with the
three Finland-tour plus some extra bonus crap. Want a copy? Contact us.
TT-04 in LQ web version without subtitles has been added to the Gallery
section. Click here to watch it!
[2005-05-07 -
Time flies by. And that's an understatement. It is now 5 years since
RRP was formed. We are thinking about holding a big game in early June.
Perhaps some arrangements can be made after the game.
April -05
[2005-04-21 -
RRP has decided to participate in a big game called Berget 4 - Conflict Bosnia. It
takes place in northern Sweden and is held in late
June. Our current status leaves us no room to rest before this event.
This winter has been all other than what we're used to concerning
gaming. Winter is usually RRP's favourite part of the year but due to
different circumstances the opportunities have been small. The
situation is now different!
[2005-04-11 - Ayatolla]
Some members went all the way to south Sweden to have some nice
gaming, below is a small sample.

October -04
[2004-10-23 -
The homepage has got a facelift. We've also changed to a new type of
gallery script. Enjoy.

[2004-10-22 -
Yet again the progress of RRP has been bogged down due to economy and
Aya and Punisher are stuck in Lund
. Taksi, Välkky and Sartorius are stuck at work. Since TT-04 there has
been sporadic gaming and one training day with almost everyone present.
Some members have participated at Söderfors CQB range getting their
ears wet on that scene.
Klacken is still home, and visits there (although few at present) are a
priority. In short, we're still here and we will prevail..
May -04
[2004-05-15 - Taksi]
Pictures added from RRP Training Day at undisclosed location!
[2004-05-10 - Ayatolla]
New fresh pictures
from Klacken added to the
February -04
[2004-02-22 -
We've put together a Golden Oldies gallery. You
can see it in the gallery section or via this link.
[2004-02-14 - Ayatolla]
RRP has a new forum board.
We got sick and bored of the old one with popups and other stuff.
The links now directs you to the new one. If you for some reason want
to visit the old:
[2004-02-01 - Taksi]
TT´04 preliminary game-date is 2004.07.03 and RRP is going.. The game
will recide 50k northeast of Tampere in
and it will be a serious mess with constant combat and party
afterwards. If your intrested in joining mail to
December -03
[2003-12-18 - Ayatolla]
Playboy released the shopping video from pattaya. Pattaya_MilShop 2003
November -03
[2003-11-21 -
Finally! The movie from this summers trip to Finland
. It's the uncut edition so far: RRP
Goes Finland 2003 And if you haven't seen last years adventure yet:
Goes Finland 2002
[2003-07-19 -
There is now a review of the games in the Gallery
[2003-07-14 - Ayatolla]
airsoft games TT-03 outside Tampere Finland
were a success and the members had a great deal of fun! The area was
cool with nearby lakes! (Here is a link:
TT-2003) Special thanx to the team that organized the games but
also to other teams and players who participated and made the event
possible. We will soon update the gallery with some pictures.
May -03
[2003-05-23 - Ayatolla]
Big games planned 5/7 in Tampere Finland
! RRP plans to participate, we also invite other airsofters from Sweden
to join us... Will post details about the game as soon as we get more
April -03
[2003-04-14 - Ayatolla]
The team changed to a superior quality uniform which is also better
suited for our type of terrain.
March -03
[2003-03-05 - Ayatolla]
RRP Homepage has finally moved to a new and hopefully better server.